I was watching a video on YouTube (which seems to have momentarily disappeared causing me to be unable to link to it... weird) in which this person randomly selects 5 songs on their iPod to play so people get an idea of what kind of music they listen to.
I find this activity endlessly amusing because when random shuffling or choosing of songs occurs, you'd think you would get a really good idea of the kind of music that person likes, especially since people can control what songs they put on their iPod. After all, why would they put it on there if they did not like it? Ultimately, I find that shuffling is hardly ever a good representation of what people actually listen to. I know when my roommates and I listen to my music on shuffle, every embarassing song I liked once upon a time will inevitably rear it's ugly head.
A while back I played this game (
results here) which involves random shuffling. Of 18 artists, I'd only consider 3 of the artists to be among my favorite, and of those three songs by my favorite artists, only one is among my favorite songs by said artist. One out of 18? You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that if we're talking in terms of hits and misses, shuffling is largely a big old MISS.
To prove this point, I've got my music playing on shuffle right now. In a moment I will type the next 5 songs that play and determine them to be "hits" or "misses", but first let's define a "hit" and a "miss", just so we're all perfectly clear.
A "hit" to me would be an artist I recognize (sad I know, but I don't know my music all that well), a song I know at least some of the words to, or a song or artist I am really into currently. A "miss" would obviously, you know, be the opposite.
If I were to choose my own list of 5 artists, it would include The Format, Stephen Kellogg, Mika, Needtobreathe, and maybe... Eskimo Joe? But that's not the point of this long, long post. So here goes.
1. In the Mood - Glenn Miller Orchestra: Ok, fine for swing dancing but I'd say it's a MISS, nonetheless.
2. Where is the Love - Black Eyed Peas: A MISS in terms of representing my musical tastes.
3. The Compromise - The Format: I love this group, it's true. However, I've listened to many of their songs over a hundred times (or, you know, 237 times) and this one I've heard only 4 times. I suppose we'll call it a HIT anyhow.
4. Anywhere Is - Enya: MISS. Her stuff is fine, but I don't listen to it on a regular basis.
5. Good Girls Don't Lie - Five Way Friday: Oh! Shuffle redeems itself. This is definitely one of my all time favorite songs. HIT.
2/5, not bad. What have I proved or learned from this experience? Nothing, really. Shuffle is random. I suppose it has its good days and its bad days.
(I must report that number 6 would have been Wah Kazoo with their song Doctor Wah. Now that's more like the shuffle I know and love... the one that plays nothing you'd ever want to hear.)