
Just Your Average Day

I was supposed to have 10 hours of work this week. Instead, I have had one and a half. Let's review, shall we?

Monday: One of my teachers just did not show up, so class was cancelled.
Tuesday: My normal day off.
Wednesday: Should have had 2 hours of class, both cancelled.
Thursday: Should have had morning class, was cancelled.

Friday is by far the most interesting story. All three hours of my classes in the afternoon were cancelled for this week AND next week (this week they were having exams and next week they are jetting off to England). This leaves me with just my morning classes.

I was slated to have two classes this morning as a substitute for the normal teacher. The first class I see normally on the even weeks (in France they have different schedules sometimes based on whether it is an even or an odd week), and this week is an odd week so I should not have seen this group of kids. However, Since the teacher needed to administer exams, I said I could take her class this week for her. As per her instructions, I was prepared to teach 2 half-hour sections with 14 students each. I found out this morning in class, that I was supposed to have one section of 14 for the whole hour. Tricky tricky.

Next I was supposed to see another group of her students that I had never met with before, so I went to the classroom where they were supposed to be. Long story short, another professor came in, said he had no idea what I was talking about and that he had the classroom for a double period. OK. So where were these elusive students that I was supposed to be meeting with? I had no idea what students I was looking for as I had never worked with them, and so I asked 4 different classes who were waiting for teachers if they were waiting for me; none of them were.

So now I am at home, not really sure where those kids were hiding, and wondering how it is that I continually don't understand what the plan is with this teacher. Oh, well. I am sort of used to it at the point, and in the end it is really no big deal.


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