A Whole Lot of Racket
It seems as though every week when I head off to guitar lessons I come back with the capability to make even more noise than I was able to make the week before. In the past I've attributed this din to the acquisition of new chords, but this week I learned how to make twice as much clatter simply by strumming down and up. Oh, là là! I don't know how my roommates stand my tortured versions of Edelweiss and Share the Land.
Tonight while making my amazingly edible miso soup again (I've tweaked the recipe as follows: twice as much water, half the miso paste) I was perusing the dietary information on the back of the seaweed package I came to the unfortunate realization that seaweed, in fact, does not have any nutritional value! Or at least not the dried kind that I bought. This was a shocking light bulb moment for me since I naturally assumed that green things reminiscent of vegetables had lots of vitamins and nutrients in them. Not only does seaweed not have any vitamins, it also has no calories, no fat, no carbs... hell, the only it does have is salt and precious little at that.
So much for eating healthy greens at dinner via miso soup! With a nutritional content like that, I might as well drink a glass of water and call it good.