
Cathartic Dumping

All mothers are pretty funny. Anybody who thinks that everything their mother says is another pearl of wisdom is either certifiable or is the child of <<Insert Your Idol Here>>. I'm not saying that mothers are not smart people (quite the contrary!) but just that I am sure you can empathize with me on some level when I tell you that my mother sometimes comes up with zingers. Here is an example:

Mom: Are you going to hide your computer while you are gone for break?
Me: No, I think it will be fine.
Mom: You never know who is going to be going in and out of that apartment.
Me: Uh, I don't think burglars will make it in without Emily or Pete noticing.
Mom: I know. It's not burglars I'm worried about. It's just, well... can you really trust your roommates?

Case in point. Anyhow, over vacation I was reminiscing with my mother about dating (and yes, I truly/sadly can call it reminiscing since it's been that long) when she came up with a great way to boost my morale.

Mom: You need to date some more people.
Me: I know. I just don't meet that many interesting/eligible people.
Mom: Oh, you should date some people you are not interested in.
Me: Um, that seems sort of silly.
Mom: No, not really. You can go out, get some experience, and then you can always dump them first. I think it would be good for you to be the dumper for a while.
Me: Yeah, but I don't want to dump a guy that I like.
Mom: Well, duh. So go on a few dates with undesirable people. It'll be fun!

Ultimately I sort of see her point. However, Emily pointed out to me that it would be very, very bad karma to dump innocent daters just for the sake of dumping someone. The threat of bad karma wins out for the moment, as I need all the good vibes I can possibly muster!


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