
The Future Is Uncertain

Today more than ever I feel as if tomorrow is uncertain. We've got a new president who will hopefully do a lot of amazing things to help us turn our country around. I have really high hopes, but at the same time nobody can foresee what exactly will occur in the years to come.

Well, I don't like uncertainty! I like being sure of tomorrow, and so I made a virtual 8-ball to answer all of my questions regarding the future. According to my electronic oracle it seems likely that I will indeed get married before I turn 40, that Emily will for sure get in to grad school, and that I probably won't get fired this year. Bad news is that it's highly improbable that I will be living with the same people a year from now, and it is certain that I will stop eating my vegetables and relapse into my old habits.

Actually, maybe I don't like knowing the future! Oh, well. I'll put my class demo here so you all can know what the future holds for you. Just ask a question, and click the 8-ball to get your answer. Good luck!


At 1/21/09, 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the eight ball. Most fabulous!!! I did not like the answers though.

At 1/21/09, 8:22 PM, Blogger Meghan said...

The eight ball is as the eight ball does. Sometimes it is better than others!


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