Very soon I am going to go to a 2-year reunion for college (I know it's strange, but that's how they roll at my alma mater). It shouldn't come as a surprise that I have consequently been thinking a lot about all the good times I had during college.
Is it normal to be glad they are done and over with? Here's the thing: I made good friends, I had a good time and all that jazz, but it was loads of work, lots of sleepless nights (er, who m I kidding? Sleep always came before work) and stresses galore - not to mention the bonus of living with 2,000 girls... the levels of estrogen were astronomical!
As much as I loved college, I think I love the working world even more. Here's a list of reasons why soon-to-be grads should embrace their impending fates:
1. No Homework. That's right, at the end of the day you get to do whatever you want. It's called a social life, and it's yours for the taking!
2. Your Own Apartment. Some of the lucky few may already have experienced this, and surely graduation does not guarantee that you won't be moving back home this May. However it's highly likely that in the foreseeable future you will have your own apartment and yeah, it's awesome.
3. Income. Sure you'll have bills to pay and retirement funds to contribute to, but with a little luck you'll have a job and a little disposable income. Yippee skippee!
4. Primping Time and the Will to Care. When I was in college I didn't care about how many times I'd worn my jeans, how horrid my hair looked, how my eyebrows looked like an eyebrow and how my legs were growing a national forest. And you know what? Thank GOD I didn't because I had no time to do anything about it even if I had. Not that I'm a complete fashionista when it comes to feminine grooming, but now I have the time to enjoy trying. Which brings me to my next point -
5. Baths. They are a beautiful thing. Taking a 15 minute bath in a public tub while the cleaning lady bangs around in the toilet stalls and your neighbors get it on not-so-discreetly in the shower stall next to you is hardly relaxing. Taking a bath in the privacy of your own apartment while reading the book of your choice in peace and quiet? Bliss.
6. Unexpected Circumstances. While you're in college life may seem pretty uncertain, but basically you're set for 4 years. Once out of school, anything can happen. It's a little scary at first but there's nothing like being in charge of your own life completely.
7. Work. Some people hate their jobs which is unfortunate because when you love it going to work is actually something to look forward to. I'd recommend you try and find a job you like if at all possible so you can reap all the positive benefits.
8. Paid Vacation. This isn't always a given (especially for those in the just-hired category) but you'll make it there eventually. I recommend becoming a teacher to really get the most buck from your vacation.
9. Meals as You Like Them. Even the best college food can't compare with eating exactly what you want every day.
10. Friends. Let's face it - they were the best thing about college, and believe it or not they're still there after college. Some things never change!