
Tea Chugger

I love tea! I had this realization the other day when I got home. You see, I was in dire need of some herbal refreshment (and I don't mean the illegal kind). Unfortunately, we were completely out of milk and I drink tea with no sugar and as much milk as I can fit in my cup. I thought to myself that perhaps I could go the morning without it, so I started doing laundry and whatnot around the apartment. Halfway through my chores my need had gone from dire to... well, something more urgent than dire. I ran to the store and bought some milk and boiled hot water as fast as I possibly could. I put the milk in my tea but was interrupted when I had to get my laundry. Upon returning, I drank my tea in a leisurely fashion. Well, I thought it was leisurely, but Brittany heard my chugging it from across the room (oops). I realized I had downed an entire 16 oz mug of tea in just over 3 minutes flat. I think I've got an addiction.


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