
Spicy Salsa In A Pot

I really hope that Tyler girls are chanting through the centuries the only cheer I can ever remember from convocation:

"Spicy salsa in a pot, Tyler girls are wicked hot!"

Does anybody really know what it means? No, but we'll scream it anyhow.

(I take it back, I remember a few more:

"Tyler, Tyler, he's our man! If he can't do it, a woman can!"

and another one that goes something to the effect of:

"First get naked in the pond, then have sex on Tyler lawn!"

Ah, college.)

In other news, today I managed to overflow a toilet at school which was *definitely* one of my finer moments. Ra ra me. (In my defense, the clogging damage had already been done... I was just the lucky one who was silly enough to push the handle after the fact.)

I also returned home to find that I did my taxes wrong (I filled out a 2005 form for my W2 summary which I found on the state tax web page) and I need to fill out all the forms... again... and send them back in within the next 24 hours. Joy.

I do have some good news! I have been sticking to my 6 report a day mandate and have now completed 39 reports. So far, so good!


At 5/8/08, 11:03 AM, Blogger sasha said...

woohoo tyler! except I'm pretty sure everyone's favorite obnoxious pothead was the originator of at least 2 of those chants. so it's not exactly a centuries-long tradition. :)

At 5/8/08, 5:04 PM, Blogger Meghan said...

Not a centuries long tradition... yet.


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