Benjamin et Jacques (Look out France, it's Ben and Jerry)
Ben and Jerry's makes the most amazing ice cream (Hi, Phish Food, please accept this humble proposal of lifelong partnership).
While in France, I had ice cream only a handful of times. The French do a crap job of it, so I just ate other things (hello croissants! You can be my foreign love affair). Though ice cream is not a French specialty, they do a knock up job of crême brulée.
Crême brulée has to be one of my top 2 favorite desserts, and I realized when I got home that I had not had it one single time all year while I was in France (zut alors!!!!). So you can imagine my delight when I saw that Ben and Jerry's came out with a new flavor of ice cream... ze crême brulée!!
Tonight I tried it. I admit, I was super skeptical, but I am here to tell you that it's really, *really* good. Though it is super sweet, I would still recommend it as the best ice cream substitute for one of my 2 favorite desserts of all time.
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