
The Best Part of Summer


I am ecstatic because my favorite time of the summer (hell, perhaps the whole year) has arrived! I live about a mile away from a "pick your own" strawberry field, and they opened for the season today!

I can barely contain my excitement. The mere thought fresh strawberries, strawberries in yogurt, strawberries in smoothies, strawberry rhubarb pie, strawberry shortcake, strawberry shrimp, strawberry oatmeal gulash, mexican night with strawberries and guacamole (you get the picture) makes me faint with enthusiasm!

Now I really need to get a hold of Amanda... I need her biscuit recipe urgently!!! Once I have it, I will share it with my vast number of readers (haha, I'm so funny). Just to give you a heads up, it's like 90% butter, so you might want to start stocking your fridge now!


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