
In the Immortal Words of Sasha...

"gah." That is how this week has been.

The computers in the room where I work went through a major overhaul this past weekend. Basically all their drives were wiped, moved to system 10 (shocker, 2 machines were still on 9... for shame!), and had everything reinstalled. This is a good thing, but hugely annoying for the following reasons:

- On Monday my computer would not even start. That's right, it was dead. I had to use this other computer which had no fonts on it. Let me just say, that if you know anything about layout, you'll know that fonts are of the essence.

- Today my computer is working, however it's missing a key program. I believe our computer guy said: "You've got everything but Quark," which was as if he said to me, "You've got your whole body, you're just missing your head." All I ever use is Quark.

- Luckily, I did have one project in InDesign... unfortunately it was created in the CS2 suite, and I only have CS1, so I could not open it.

- Our website was down, our email was down, and our service provider is impossible to get a hold of.

Blah blah. Before I go into any more of the depressing details, let me just sum it up in one word: "gah."

On the plus side, I have been reading Meg Cabot books, which I love. I know, I know, childish you might be thinking. Actually, the current book I am reading I actually found in the ADULT fiction section (go me). It's delightfully fluffy and the perfect way to unwind after a long day of cursing under my breath and heave-howing computers out the window... or, you know, thinking about it.


At 6/20/07, 10:07 AM, Blogger sasha said...

meg cabot is awesome. sorry that your work, from the sound of it, is more frustrating than mine! :\ thanks for the shoutout, though. :)


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