Life (and other slow, boring things)
Several things to mention, the first being that I really can't stand this internet connection or this PC computer ANY LONGER!!! The PC has got to go... hello leptop Mac. The prospect of this is making me feel better already.
Second, my summer job (for all -4 of you who don't know) entails the digital creation of display advertisements for a weekly publication. In other words, I toodle around on the computer all day doing what some people would call graphic design (though it's much simpler, so I don't call it that). ANYHOW... today I set up an ad for a woman who wants to start some in-house child daycare, something or other, and in her ad among her qualities she lists "college educated."
Ok, let me just say that while a college education is a great thing to have, that doesn't tell me diddly squat about how well you can work with kids. Seriously, someone who stopped school after high school to raise a family at 18, and who has been taking care of kids for 15 years might be better qualified than a 24 year-old with an infant who just barely squeaked by with a major in Computer Science (or some equally anti-people concentration). You get my drift.
Finally, I was going to tell you a story regarding my sister and some guy. However, in order to tell this story, I would need to be totally vague so as not to embarass my sister (you know, we DO live in a small town), or make quite a lot up (as really, the story consists mostly of spculation and uninteresting tidbits). While I do enjoy complete and utter fabrication (with a basis in truth), in the end I decided I won't write on it at all. While I find it entirely amusing, it doesn't come out nearly as entertaining as I hoped it would be (which goes to show you how weak my imagination is).
I need to go focus on the Black Bear that is on our patio now. And no, ladies and gentlemen, that's no fabrication. That's real life in NH for you.
the sad thing is, I think a lot of parents *would* see a college education as a relevant qualification. To the extent that having a college education signals a certain class background and intelligence, I bet some parents would prefer to have their kids watched/raised by someone who's probably middle class and has verifiable "smart" credentials, even if they'd never admit it.
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