
My Personal Natural Disaster

I realized that my sister is coming home today (ok, I'll admit, I did not forget about it or anything, her arrival just sort of snuck up on me), and I have a tiny problem.

Her bed has gone missing. Well, that's not entirely true. I am sure it is under there somewhere, but it's going to be really hard to find.

Last night as I was lying in my bed, I realized that the top of her bed was, oh, a good three feet above the top of mine. In terms of personal belongings, that's a whole lot of junk.

This means that I have "t-minus" 7 hours 46 minutes to clear her bed off for her. Sure, it's not all my stuff, but I think she'll appreciate having a bed to sleep in when she arrives home, even if that means shoving her stuff in her dresser, the closet, and (dare I mention it) the FLOOR.

I was thinking briefly about making the bed, too, but seriously people... there are limits to my sisterly niceness.


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