My Sister's Innards
I hate Grey's Anatomy.
Don't get me wrong, I love the show (ok, maybe this is confusing), but I hate what shows like Grey's, ER, Scurbs, House, etc. have done to the curiousity of the general public.
This sudden scorn for all shows medical has to do with my sister's recent Gall Bladder removal.
What do you think the first thing my mother said to me was when my sister came home? If you guessed, "Meghan, your sister is doing fine," or "Don't bug your sister, she's sleeping," or "Your sister did the vom vom 7 times in the car ride home," you guessed wrong.
The first words out of her mouth were, "Do you want to see pictures of Sarah's guts?"
That's right. The doctors took pictures of my sister's insides and gave them to her as a farewell gift upon her discharge. She now has pictures of her ovaries, her liver, her gall bladder (both inside, outside, and while it was being removed through her belly button), and various other organs I care not to contemplate.
I guess in some ways it is sort of cool. I mean, my mom and my sister both enjoyed them a great deal. I, on the other hand, have a weak stomach and don't ever want to see them again.
Yeah, that's right. I told my mom to hide them out of site, so I was shocked to see them on top of the tv while retreiving a movie for her. I dropped the movie and ran out of there (incidentally that's all the exercise I've had this summer, so at least something good game of it).
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