
Life Goes On

Hello, readers! (Hey, that's what I call some wishful thinking right there...)

I was so good about updating this journal in France, and I swear I am going to be good at it again, just as soon as my life becomes more exciting. You see, I can sum up almost every day since my last post as such:

1. Go to work.
2. Come home, eat dinner.
3. Search for apartment.
4. Go to bed.

There have been a few exceptions to said monotony. The weekends!

HA! Just kidding. My weekends go like this:

1. Breakfast.
2. Apartment search.
3. Apartment search.
4. God to bed.

The one exciting bit of information I do have to report is that my sister had 2 surgeries last week, but she's all better now. It would have been more exciting (from a blogging point of view) if she had had some terrible infection/random complication, but really I think I'd take boring blog posts over her demise any day.

Anyhow, the point of this post is to say that I have had, over the past few days/weeks, many ideas for posts and just never got around to posting them. So now, without further ado, I am going to try and post as many as I can remember all in a row. (See above four posts.)


At 7/27/07, 3:39 PM, Blogger sasha said...

for weeks I would click to your blog every once in a while and there was always that chest shot of your american idol shirt and nick lachey pin staring me back in the face. then, I go away for only three days, and all of a sudden, there's 5 new posts! impressive!

also, I'm glad your sister is okay!!

At 7/28/07, 9:59 PM, Blogger Meghan said...

yeah. The chest shot really needed to be bumped down... waaaaay down. ;-)


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