
Swimming With The Jellies

So I'm back in NY now and trying to keep myself busy. Brittany invited me to go to Brighton Beach with her and I thought, "Why not?"

Last time I went to a beach in NY it was infested with Jellyfish of the stingy variety. Now, some have called me crazy for swimming in the lake with leeches, slime and frogs, but the ocean is not exactly a safe haven, either! Sharks? Jellyfish? Sting Rays? Tides (hello, nobody ever mentions the sheer force and power of a lake)? Not to mention the dangers on the beach such as broken glass, miss-hit volleyballs and drunken crazies. I'm just going to throw it out there - the lake is a really cute baby kitten compared to the ocean.

Anyhow, today I decided to go swimming and was having a lovely time doing water aerobics with Brittany, until out of nowhere something attacked my arm (and by attacked I mean happened to brush up against it). Yes, it was my first encounter with a real life Jellyfish. We battled, and I won (I think it was my targeted forceful flutter-kicks that did the trick). Did I mention this was the harmless type of Jellyfish? No matter, you can never be too prepared.


At 8/24/08, 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, Dad and I went snorkeling today, and there were ALL THESE MINNOWS- ridiculous!!! Like, it would have been okay if they were just around our feet (and they were nibbling on Dad's) but while we were swimming not only were they around the feet, but like circling our arms and heads and entire bodies. CRAZY! I have never felt so threatened by minnows in my life. I know it's not a jellyfish, but jeeze!


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