
Olympic Commentary

Like many people all over the world, I've been watching the Olympics a lot recently. I especially enjoy volleyball, and so when I saw the men's quarterfinal match between US and Serbia, I of course put down the 3-week old newspaper I've been trying to read and watched attentively.

The game was really close and very exciting. However, the best part (in my opinion) was the commentators. It was during this match that they said one of the funniest things I've ever heard while watching sports.

What happened was one of the American players spiked the ball and it hit the Serbian player dead in the chest. It was a really hard hit, and this is what the commentators had to say about it:

Commentator 1: Wow, that had a lot of power in it.
Commentator 2: Indeed. What a way to wake up... BAM! Hello!
Commentator 1: Yes, indeed. It's a good thing he didn't get hit in the fly.
Commentator 2: I know, right? Someone call 911!

It's juvenile, I know, but come on... it's really funny.


At 8/24/08, 7:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I was watching a mythbuster type show for sports today, and what they did was hit this guy in the gonads with a tennis ball going at 50mph. They scientifically showed that his heart rate increased to over 180 beats per minute, and that adrenaline rushed his body, causing his veins to constrict. They had medics standing by and everything. It was loco. So imagine a volleyball in that position.


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