
Snow in NY

9 days out of 10 it is crazy cool to be a teacher. Today it was especially cool when I got a call from the department chair saying that we had a snow day today and school was canceled.

How much snow does it take in New York City to merit the cancellation of school? Not a whole lot:

I actually really lucked out with the weather for several reasons. First, I decided to go to DC on Saturday instead of Friday (today) and this was a good decision. Second, I'm still crazy itchy, so much so that I was having trouble focusing on teaching/sleeping/acting human. Third, my day is now entirely free to get Zyrtec, bathe in hydrocortisone cream and possibly make an appointment to see the doctor.

Now if only my momentum was not hindered by the inclement weather. I think I am going to reward my efforts with ice cream and/or chocolate chip cookies (voilà, now I have some *real* purpose in life).


At 2/22/08, 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude I think you guys have more snow than we do... that's nuts in and of itself. Plus, if they get like 2 inches in DC, there will be problems getting down there unless it melts... they don't have snowplows really down there.

Jealous I am of you!


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