
Noise Control

The neighbors below me are constantly having screaming matches. I wouldn't really care normally (if you want to hold on to all that rage and let 'er rip when you reach the tipping point, be my guest) but usually their shouting fits happen between the hours of 10 pm and 12 pm, my prime falling asleep hours.

Last night when I got home all I really wanted was some peace and quiet. Unluckily for me, my neighbors got in such a monumentally large fight that it lasted from 11 to 1:30 in the morning and involved their 4 year-old daughter as well as some neighbors who thought it appropriate to continuously ring their buzzer for about 15 minutes straight. Awesome.

Last night I was pretty peeved, but tonight I am feeling better because around 11 I found a really squeaky floor board and I stood on it while shifting my weight back and forth for about 15 minutes. Ah, sometimes there's nothing more satisfying than a little passive aggression!

PS - Many of these notes remind me of college. Especially this one.


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