
I've Lost that Loving Feeling

I am a Bachelor addict. So what?

This week I was seriously appalled to find out that Jason sent Gillian home. This season I really thought that a decent guy might end up with an awesome girl, but what can I say - guys just don't dig the girl with amazing hair, an insane sense of humor and energy and enthusiasm in everything she does. This sort of horrific realization makes me want to write an awesome, thoughtfully crafted letter such as this:

Dear ABC,
Gillian is da bomb. Jason is fo' shizz, up the spout (thank you, Diablo Cody).

And just so you know, I know that men wear the pants and women have the babies, but I went to the trouble to type out the above reference, and by golly it's staying! I really should stop embarrassing myself with improper usage of urban slang.

In other news, I think I practiced guitar more than I slept this week. I can't feel the tips of my fingers, but it's a good numb feeling. Now that I am a serious guitar player I decided to invest in a capo (those things you use to push down the strings on the neck of the guitar to change the key). As a result, I am now able to play along with many songs that I know and it actually sounds like the song - well, it would sound like the song if I could play it right. In an effort to drown out my miserable attempts at keeping time, I usually listen to the song through my headphones at full blast. The other day I realized one of my roommates had come home and suffered through 20 minutes of pitiful guitar music (if one can call it that) before I noticed that I wasn't home alone anymore. I was impressed - that takes some patience.

Yesterday I bought a pound of ground turkey. What I am going to do with it is still up in the air, but here's hoping I figure it out before the turkey passes its expiration date. Suggestions? I'm going with turkey burgers for now - simple, classic, quick, and almost impossible to mess up to the point of inedibility.

Firefox is telling me that inedibility is not a word, and all I have to say is, "Well, it should be!" So there.


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