
Firefox Ruined My Life

I'm completely miserable about my new web browsing experience and as a result I am going to be melodramatic and blame Firefox for all my life problems from now on. So there.

I was forced this week to update Firefox (as I so often am). Normally when I run the update I notice nothing different about Firefox and life goes on as normal, however this week when I ran the update a Firefox stranger I did not know had overtaken my beloved web browser.

Looks can be deceiving, and so I decided to give this strange new look a go before throwing in the towel completely. I figured that though it looked different, functionally it was probably still similar. And you know, it is still similar - type in where you want to go, google search in the corner, and all that jazz. However, the one thing I find absolutely infuriating is the saved history. When I want to go to gmail, I used to only have to type "gm" and my most popular page in history with that match (gmail.com, most likely) would be filled in. Now, however, the most recent page that I went to that matches those letters comes up first. Now, when I type "gm" I am led to my contacts, a specific email I last read, a draft of a letter, my spam mail. It's so annoying!

If any computer users wiser than I can figure out a way to stop this insanity, let me know pronto. In the spirit of my melodramatic proclamations, let me say you'd be saving my life.


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