
Hardee Har Har

I thought this was funny:

In other news, it's midterm report time at my school! I've been busy.

I had an awesome weekend (actually, you know? My weekends are almost always awesome here in NY). I went to a Swing dance on Saturday night which was fun and only slightly disappointing (I've got to find an activity that is of interest to other people in my generation). Emily and I wandered over two bridges on Sunday afternoon which was fun (I love wandering) and then I went to go see a Jonathan Coultan concert that evening. I had no idea who he was, but he turned out to be super funny... plus any guy who writes a song called, "The Mandelbrot Set" is OK in my book!

If you are wandering what the Mandelbrot Set is, take a look here.


At 10/16/07, 10:39 AM, Blogger sasha said...

I ♥ Tom Tomorrow. That is a truly awesome strip. I'm also kind of amazed that there's a musician out there that I've heard of before you. he's pretty awesome in an extremely nerdy way.

At 10/16/07, 3:26 PM, Blogger Meghan said...

Sasha! I can't believe you knew him all this time and did not tell me! Are there any other bands you know you want to clue me in on?

I've never seen the strip before today, but I thought it was really funny. :-)


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