

I feel like writing something but I am fresh out of ideas...

For one of my programming classes I made a recommendation program. Basically you check off what foods you like, and it will recommend sandwiches to you based on the ones that match your food interests.

That part was easy - the hard part was taking my code and deleting it all, replacing it instead with lines of instruction and explanations so that my students could recreate the code without really having to understand what's going on. The annoying part was color coding it and putting it online.

Yaddya, the point is that I assigned the homework this afternoon, and some of the students were really mad at me. The good news is they suffered and brooded in silence, so it was the best class I've had with them thus far.

(I should also add that some students really rose to the challenge, which was great! I have faith in them - I know they can do it.)

While I'm thinking on it, I'm going to test something out below. No need to pay attention to it...

(*Yeah, it didn't work.)


At 10/11/07, 3:28 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

Don't you love it when you have a blog and have no idea what to say? Yeah I went through that for 3 months, and I haven't even gone through as many topics as you! Anyways just thought you should know I'm trying to restart my blog, maybe it'll last a bit longer this time.


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