Psyched To Be Moving
The other day I was walking home from the train station and a little kid had a lit bottle rocket in his hand and was pointing it at two other neighborhood children as he chased them down the sidewalk. His parents were egging him on. I was in between the rocket blaster and the targets. Joy of joys.
Needless to say, I don't live in the best neighborhood and though my apartment is beautiful, it really doesn't make up for the seemingly endless sketchy-ness and noise that my neighborhood perpetuates. As a result, Brittany and I are moving and I know I speak for myself (of course) when I say I can't wait!
The neighborhood we are moving into in Brooklyn is very calm and quiet. We are going to be living on the top floor of an amazing building in a beautiful apartment. The apartment is more than twice the size of the one we live in now, and the rent is the same (yippee!). Here are some pictures of the place:
This is looking towards the doorway of what will be my room. I am standing in the corner by the radiator and windows.
This is the opposite view of my room, taken from the doorway.
This is Brittany's room, taken from her doorway.
This is a different view of the same room as above, taken from the opposite corner.
This is a picture of the doorways to the two rooms in the above pictures. My room is on the left, Brittany's is on the right.
In this picture you can see the door of Brittany's room and the two bathroom doors.
This is another view of the two bathroom doors. To the left is Brittany's room and to the right is a closet and Emily's room.
Here you see the 2nd bathroom's door, the linen closet and the entrance to Emily's room.
Here is Emily's room... I took this picture standing in her doorway.
Here is an opposite view of Emily's room, looking back to her doorway.
A view of the foyer, my back to the bedrooms, also showing the kitchen and the entry.
A better view of the kitchen - we have a washer and dryer, huzzah!
The living room!
The living room again.
And finally, standing in the living room looking back towards the foyer and the bedroom area.
Yeah, I can't wait to move.
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