
Pudding Brûlée

I have not had crème brûlée in such a long time that I can't pinpoint when it was exactly that I've had it - tragedy, I know. So today on my first day off of the summer (yes, I am officially DONE with my first year of teaching... hooray!) I did a Google search for restaurants in Brooklyn that make crème brûlée.

Now, for some reason Google thinks that Manhattan is really part of Brooklyn, or Brooklyn is part of Manhattan, and I got a million results for restaurants in Manhattan that serve the object of my desire. I found a few restaurants in Brooklyn, but none were acceptable. One restaurant's dessert was reviewed as lumpy; one restaurant made a crème brûlée'd goat cheese appetizer; another was a green tea Asian version; another had a meal tag of $115. No, no, no and definitely NOT.

I decided perhaps I should look into making my own dessert, but it turns out that many traditional recipes are exceedingly complex, and even more simple recipes require special dishes and wisks (neither of which I own).

I've come up with an easy solution, though. I am going to go to the store and get some no-bake vanilla pudding, sprinkle it with sugar and broil it for about 30 seconds.

Yeah. I'll let you know how it goes.


At 6/6/08, 4:12 PM, Blogger sasha said...

1. congrats on making it through your first year!!

2. creme brulee just isn't creme brulee without an open flame. I just looked on amazon, and creme brulee torches are basically butane lighters. you should buy a cigarette lighter and get on this.

3. I'm thinking no-bake pudding is not the best solution. don't you have to chill that stuff to make it congeal? sticking it in the broiler might liquefy it before the sugar has a chance to caramelize. please document this with photos and video!!


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