
Weekend Laziness

This weekend has been delightfully lazy for me. Sure, I got out a bit (last night I went to see a movie with some friends - August Rush is a bad movie, btw. I would skip it), but for the most part I've been sitting around my apartment.

Normally when I sit around my apartment I feel like a slug and have this general sense of incredible amounts of time being wasted. This weekend, however, I've made my sluggish weekend productive (if you can imagine a scenario when that is even possible). I did some cooking, I cleaned the apartment, I took not one but TWO baths and read for a few hours (I had forgotten how nice that could be), watched some quality TV shows (Freaks and Geeks), and sent a ton of emails. All in all I'd say it was a pretty rocking weekend.

Oh, I also found out that the book I am currently reading was written by a guy my friend knows quite well (rather, her mother knows quite well - they worked together) and her mom's work is mentioned about 5,000 times in the book, so that's sort of random and cool. Small world.


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