
Christmas Cards

Last year I worked really hard on making amazing Christmas cards. I bought this tack board and some amazing French construction paper (seriously, the French rule the world when it comes to office supplies) and made cards for maybe two weeks straight. They had little snowmen on them, fir trees, snowflakes, tree lights, presents (you get the idea) all cut out of paper, decorated with glitter pens, and finished off with long personal messages on the back. They looked amazing!

But then, I never sent them. Sure, a few made it around the country and into the hands of my friends and family. I sent a handful of them from France (after the fact, no doubt). For the most part, though, my stack remained largely unsent. I meant to send them, and even packed them back in my suitcase and brought them home with me in May. They stayed in my room all summer until August when I decided it was time to ditch them (seriously, they needn't have followed me to NYC).

This morning I woke up with a jolt at 6:45. The reason for my sudden alertness was my subconscious realization that it was indeed time to start making those Christmas cards again. I can't say that they will be sent this year, but I can't suppress my irrational desire to make Christmas cards for all my friends and family.

Anyhow... if you read this but don't get a card, it's not that I left you out - I just suck at using the US postal system (and the French system, for that matter).


At 11/11/07, 12:54 PM, Blogger sasha said...

haha, I can't say I made the cards, but I definitely did the same thing last year. I even put them in envelopes and addressed them, but I didn't have stamps, and somehow never made it to the post office.

At 11/11/07, 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do the same thing every year. In fact I hardly ever get to the point of putting the message in the card. Needless to say I have been using the same christmas cards for the past 3 years. My solution to your problem is this: your friends and family have to realize how much energy you put into making your card and accept that i is their responsibilty to visit you this time of year if they want to receive your cards.


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