Poire Tilleul
When I was in France I bought a lotion from a company called Fruits et Passion. It's actually not a French company, but a Canadian company. ANYHOW... that's not the point. The point is that the scent of the lotion was Poire Tilleul (Pear Linden) and seriously, I'm willing to bet money that it's what heaven smells like.
Long story short, I bought some other stuff in the same scent and it came today. I've smelled everything and all I can say is it smells so good, I can't even describe it. So yeah, basically I'm in heaven.
This post is sort of pointless, so I'll mention something else pointless and that is that I finished my first ever book about social change and action! Wow. I feel like I've read something worthwhile (it's a bonus that it was entertaining).
What book was it?
The book was called, "Calling All Radicals" and was written by Gabriel Thompson... a very good book, would recommend it to anybody interested in reading a quick book that reads more like a novel than a call for social activism.
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