Howcast Is Amazing
Thank you, Brittany, for working there and introducing me to my favorite video makers OF ALL TIME. Here is just one amazing example of their work; enjoy!
(If only everything in life were this easy...)
It's harder to find a quality croissant in the US, but if I'm going to find it anywhere, it's going to be in New York City!
Thank you, Brittany, for working there and introducing me to my favorite video makers OF ALL TIME. Here is just one amazing example of their work; enjoy!
A few weekends ago I was invited to a birthday party for the sister of one of my friends. I decided to go because it was a crafting night, and I love me some collages; give me scissors and some rubber cement, and I'll go crazy!
The first meal on the first day of my new healthy way of eating required that I eat oatmeal. For those of you who have known me for any length of time, you'll have undoubtedly heard of the time I went hiking in NH and my mountain mates made oatmeal for breakfast; as you are not allowed to leave trash on the mountain, I carried all the oatmeal around 2 mountains, up Mount Washington and down Tuckerman's Ravine because I refused to eat it. Needless to say, I was not thrilled about attempting to down oatmeal first thing in the morning. Still, as it was the first day of my healthy eating, I didn't want to waiver so early on in the game so I put my brave face forward and at 8 am on Monday morning I commenced "operation: oatmeal preparation."
My mother and my sister and I are going to start following the world's healthiest foods eating plan (which you can find here if you are interested). It should be interesting! You are supposed to feel great, have fewer cravings, get sick less, have more energy and have beautiful skin (a plus that I am really looking forward to!). My one worry is that this way of eating requires you to eat so much food and I am honestly a little worried that I might not be able to consume what I am supposed to every day! I guess I won't have to worry about starving myself on this new diet, though, which is a plus. :-)