
I'm Awesome

Wow! What a week. Of course I had a lovely time going home to visit my family and eat my heart out, and I also had a lovely time at an amazing concert with my sister in NY.

On top of all the normal holiday hubbub, I had to write an admissions essay. It's been a long time since I've had to write an essay... like, a really. long. time. Gone are the days that I used to whip out line after line and have them somehow, magically, all flow together. Here to stay are the hair-pulling 5-hour writing sessions just to get 3 sentences down. Ouch! I ultimately finished the essay, but it was a challenge; it's hard to write about yourself without feeling cocky or egotistical.

On the plus side, writing the essay really helped me clarify some of my goals for the next few years. Also, I was forced to update my resume! I did it in InDesign, and it looks awesome. :-)

Now I'm drinking wine. Just 'cause.


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