

Today when I was walking down the train platform in Brooklyn I saw a woman walking towards me. She had a huge grin on her face which I thought would surely fade within a few paces. But no! All the way towards me, and past me, she just kept on smiling. She wasn't smiling at me or anybody else, and I can only suppose she was smiling because she had no reason not to. It made me think that I should smile more often.

So, as I wandered around the platform waiting for the train to come, I put on a dopey grin just to try it out. I felt like a downright git, to be honest, but it was worth a try (and I will admit that thinking about what I had just attempted put me in an insanely good mood on the way home).

My next social experiment is going to be hugging people to greet them, somewhat akin to the French and their kissing. We'll see how standoffish New Yorkers take it.


Halloween Fun

So I know it's not Halloween yet, but when you've got black lipstick in the house and the month is October, who can resist getting all glammed up? I know I can't...



November is National Novel Writing Month, and this year I think I might participate in it. My objective won't be to write the next great American novel, or even to finish a novel in its entirety. I have, however, always wanted write a book and I've got the perfect topic. Even if I don't do anything with it and even if it is terrible... hell, even if I don't even finish, I think it's a project worth starting, and the timing is perfect.

Wish me luck!


Character Judgments

Real Genius is just about the best movie ever. All my friends know it. Everyone in my family agrees. Everyone that I've ever been really close to has at least had a appreciation for this classic, timeless film.

So, I've decided that I am going to make all future character judgments based solely on whether or not a person likes Real Genius or not. If they haven't seen it, I will remedy the situation as quickly as possible and deem a future friendship possible or not based on there level of sincere appreciation.

On another note, I've become addicted to scented candles (just in case you are wondering, I think the apple cinnamon ones are the best).