
Better Late Than Never

Before I came home my family (aka my father) went out and bought a Christmas tree for our home because my sister was adamant about making our house holiday-ish and filled with cheer (and in case you didn't know, the amount of cheer in a househould around the holidays is tied exponentially with the number of lights blazing on your tree).

When I came home I expected to see a fully decorated tree, but in fact what greeted me was a tree with a wimpy strand of blue lights around the middle of it, and one itty bitty ornament on the back side. Ho hum.

You've got to hand it to my sister, though. She is a procrastinator (a family trait we all share), but she really accomplishes a lot when it get's down to the wire. So today she is decorating that tree like a fiend! It looks great so far, and it will look nice for about 48 hours before it comes down.

Yes, 48 hours is the projected lifespan for this poor tree. See, the caveat of my parents agreeing to get a tree was that my sister had to promise to take it down before she left NH. Since we are going back to NYC on the 27th, the tree must come down on the 26th.

It hardly seems worth it to me, though I've got to hand it to my sister - she's got tenacity that is absolutely unwavering, this is for sure.


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