
I Hate Packing!!!

If you've been keeping tabs on this blog you might already be aware of the fact that I hate packing... either that, or the title of this entry might have tipped you off.

Here it is, the eve before I am supposed to go home and visit my family, and I've not even removed my suitcase from underneath my bed. In fact, I've done everything possible today to avoid packing: I watched internet videos, typed on tumblr, chatted with Brittany, called my family, ate some cheese, listened to music, updated things on facebook, sorted my photos, drank cup after cup of tea, tried on some pants... I even went so far as to watch Brittany pack in an effort to avoid my own packing. Right now I have the option of watering the Christmas tree or packing, and I think I'm going to water the tree (no big shocker there).

The first time I ever pulled an all nighter was my sophomore year in high school, the day before I needed to arrive at school. I had to stay up all night because I was moving into the dorm the next day and started packing for the year at around 11 pm (this became my ritual for all school packing, both at the beginning of the year and at the end, straight through the end of college).

The day before I left for France for the year I decided it might be good to put some things in my suitcase.

I was slightly more successful when I moved to NYC, but only slightly... I think I completed the biggest packing job of my life in about 3 days (during which I was also working a full time job).

You don't really need to know all of this information, but the longer I type here the longer I can avoid packing! Ugh.


At 12/21/07, 11:44 AM, Blogger sasha said...

but you're going *home*. surely there's extra shampoo and soap and enough clothes that you'd really rather not be seen in, but worst case scenario, you can survive in for a couple days. I heartily approve of the "stuff as much dirty laundry as you can fit into your suitcase and sort out the rest later" packing method. tried and true through 4 years at Smith.

At 12/24/07, 2:20 PM, Blogger Meghan said...

Sasha, when I moved out of my house I literally MOVED OUT. I don't have ANY clothes at home - unless you think I could make pants out of photographs from highschool photo class? Hmmm... it's a thought. But I do hear you on shampoo and whatnot, which I totally left in NYC (especially since my sister and I use the same stuff and she never leaves home without it). The dirty laundry method is one of beauty, I should reinstate it as a top 3 packing method. :-)


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