
"Try A Yelling, It's Worth Being A Little Tiger"

I gave my kids a dictée as punishment a few weeks back and in grading them I have unearthed the most creative phonetic sentences ever known to man. Here are a few choice examples:

1. I role a round on thumble daggers (I rode around on Double Deckers).
2. What can I save ta ta ta (What can I say...).
3. I'm pretty and hausted come on but try a yelling it's worth be in a little tiger (I'm pretty exhausted, but traveling is worth being a little tired).
4. At list I fast it was cup (At least I thought it was her).
5. The neighbor's cars were parking (The neighbor's dogs were barking).
6. In Paris, I rule on the metro (In Paris I rode on the metro).

I'm actually really pleased. Sure, some of the sentences are very wrong, but at least they tried to write down what they were hearing, and that makes me very happy. Sometimes it really is all about the effort.


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