
The Sine Curve of Life

I think everyone would agree with the statement that life is generally tumultuous. You go through periods of time where things are really great, and then you hit a month or two of rougher, more challenging life experiences.

This spring and summer I would venture to say was a low point in the sine curve of my life. I found myself in a rut starting in March, and I couldn't shake my slump. I moved into an apartment with more problems than I could shake a stick at, I was hopelessly bored with all my free time (note to self: get a summer job) and my attempts to meet new people were futile. This is not to say that all my experiences were a complete bust, but collectively I've had better times.

I'm happy to say, though, that recently things have started to get a lot better! This year at school is in some ways more intense because of my schedule, but it's also familiar and fun. I've started taking a French class that has tons of friendly people and an amazingly sweet French teacher (not to mention the institute where the class is at has a ton of fun, free, French related activities). One of my best friends moved to the area and I am having so much fun seeing her. I think I might learn to play the guitar. My savings account is somehow growing to unprecedented heights. And while I still haven't mastered the art of making a million friends, I'm slowly getting there one person at a time.

Oh, yeah - and my sister is coming to visit me! And my grandmother sent me the funniest card which involves a chicken, an egg, and a lot of shoving of foreign objects into body caverns. Life is great these days!

Though my sine curve is generally heading uphill these days, today I did have a bit of a cafuffle. There was a significant fire in our building and while everything in our apartment was fine, I was suddenly reminded of my intentions to purchase renters insurance as well as fire alarms. If anybody has any suggestions for either, please let me know!


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