
Deluxe Crap Closet

I just wrote an entire post about how I shoved some oversized Ikea shelves into one of our closets to create a deluxe storage closet capable of holding more junk than I ever thought possible. I was up to 4 whole paragraphs before I realized that it was legitimately on of the most boring posts I'd ever written (while I must say it was quite an ingenious feat, the details of how I wiggled it in there are not too thrilling).

Why was I writing a post at midnight about my shelving maneuvers? Because I don't want to pack. How many posts have I written about hating to pack? Probably about 15. Every time I have to take a trip anywhere I am always leaving it to the last possible minute and doing absolutely every activity I can think of that I don't need to be doing instead of packing. So far tonight I finished a sloppy video editing job, mailed it to all my friends, ate a bowl of grapes, finished Percy Jackson, took some gingerbread photos, put them on Facebook, picked up the apartment, watched a documentary on JK Rowling and posted on Twitter about how much I hate to pack... oh, and now I am writing this.

I'm not perfect, and I do hate to pack, but nobody can ever say I'm talentless... I truly excel at procrastination!

Anyhow... tomorrow I am off to NH for the holidays, so I probably will take a bit of a break from posting so much on this blog. I know - my riveting stories will be missed! - but somehow I think life will go on. :-)

Happy holidays to you all!


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